Your Wedding Journey: the 6 Vows of Inner Authority
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A structured coaching program delivered through six one-hour sessions - four before the wedding and two after the wedding.
Two payments of $250 each also available. Please contact me directly to arrange the two-payment option.
Description of Service
Although the wedding day is widely thought to be the day when all our dreams come true, the journey from engagement to the first months of marriage are often far from perfect. In reality, women experience a multitude of emotions, including joy, excitement, wonder, love, and connection, but also fear, anxiety, overwhelm, trepidation, loss of identity, and sadness. Confused by these seemingly contradictory feelings in what is meant to be the happiest time of our lives, we may not feel safe to talk about them, let alone explore them in any depth.
Your Wedding Journey is a structured coaching program that offers a supportive space to move through the unpredictable path from the engagement ~ to the wedding ~ to the first months of marriage. Delivered through six coaching sessions (four before the wedding and two after the wedding), it is a space for you to explore your feelings, gain your footing, and gather the tools you need as you enter one of the most significant changes of your life. Click here for a detailed description of this service.
Your Wedding Journey is a structured coaching program that offers a supportive space to move through the unpredictable path from the engagement ~ to the wedding ~ to the first months of marriage. Delivered through six coaching sessions (four before the wedding and two after the wedding), it is a space for you to explore your feelings, gain your footing, and gather the tools you need as you enter one of the most significant changes of your life. Click here for a detailed description of this service.